
Integration of Faith and Learning

Integration itself is embodied in such thinking and processes as:

  • Inclusion of the whole person—heart, soul, and mind—in all activities, worship, work, thinking, feeling, studying, deciding, and interpreting.
  • Acknowledging the reasonableness and truth of Christianity.
  • God invites us to choose His plan of restoration and to relate to this world creatively and responsibly until He intervenes in history to bring forth the new heavens and the new earth.

Students studying at an Adventist institution of higher education should:

  • Have had the opportunity to commit themselves to God with a desire to experience and understand the message and mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and to live a principled life in harmony with God’s will.
  • Exhibit proficiency in critical thinking, stewardship, creativity, appreciation of beauty and the natural environment, communication, and other forms of academic scholarship toward fulfillment of their vocations with a commitment to life-long learning.
  • Manifest social sensitivity and loving concern for the well-being of others in preparation for a meaningful family life, citizenship within a diverse community, and fellowship within the community of God.
  • Maintain a consistent lifestyle that demonstrates a commitment to optimal health practices essential to effective adult living.
  • Answer God’s call in the selection and pursuit of their chosen careers; in selfless service to the mission of advancing the ministry of Jesus Christ; and in building a free, just, and productive society and world community
  • Recognizing that Christianity is not a viewpoint imposed on world knowledge, but an epistemic foundation (competing with lesser epistemes) that provides a clarifying platform for engaging all knowledge.
  • Applying the standards and worldview of Christianity to thought and behavior.
  • A call to cultural evaluation by Christian standards.
  • A call to social response.
  • The understanding of human nature, human value, and human potential through the light of Biblical truth.

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